These are the driving tips you want to give your 16-year-old self

If you are looking for driving advice, today I am sharing some driving tips that may be useful for new drivers:

Wear seatbelt: Keep wear seatbelt before driving to protect you in case of an accident.

Obey Traffic Rules: Obey all traffic rules and regulations including speed limits, traffic signals and road markings. It is safety for your and others.

Avoid distractions: Avoid distractions like texting, eating or drinking while driving. This distraction can lead to accidents.

Maintain a safe distance: Always maintain a safe distance between other vehicles in front of you. This will give you enough time to react if another driver stops suddenly.

Check your blind spots: Before changing lanes or turning, be sure to check your blind spots. This will protect you to avoid collision with other vehicles.

Don't drink and drive: Don't drink before drive your vehicle. It is dangerous for you and others on the road.

Stay focused: Always focus on the road while driving. Avoid talking or texting on your phone while driving.

Practice defensive driving: Always be aware of your surroundings while driving. Anticipate the other driver's moves and be ready to react quickly if necessary.

Maintenance: Maintain your vehicle regularly to keep it in good working order. Check your brakes, tires and lights regularly.

Be patient: Finally, be patient on the road. Don't rush to reach the destination quickly. Take your time, obey traffic rules and be safe.


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